

Stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends, insights, and perspectives through our regularly updated blog.

Branding and Politics in Switzerland: Building a Strong Identity

Political marketing

July 25, 2023
With the upcoming elections in Switzerland, we are taking a closer look on branding and how it can create a strong political identity.
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Harmonizing Your Brand Voice: A Guide to Achieving Tonality Consistency Across Diverse Platforms


July 25, 2023
The brand voice: the forgotten star of your brand story. Learn how to build a robust voice that resonates across platforms.
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The 3 Key Components of a Successful Brand: Brand Strategy, Brand Positioning and Brand Architecture


July 21, 2023
There are three main components to make a brand truly successful, by answering three questions for your brand.
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Crafting the Perfect Marketing Message in 5 steps: A Guide to Maximizing Audience Engagement


July 13, 2023
In times of ChatGTP we tend to get our marketing message out too quickly. The result? You will miss your audience. We share 5 steps with you to avoid this.
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An 8 Steps Guide to Create a Winning Marketing Plan


July 13, 2023
Creating a solid marketing plan is an art and a science that combines deep customer understanding, strategic thinking, creativity, and data analysis.
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The magic of brand personality - How to build a strong identity in 4 steps


July 11, 2023
What is a brand and what is a brand identity? The logo? The nice website? The latest Facebook or Instagram post? All correct, but not quite right.
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